03 May 2007

Bucketful of Ivan

So today is my first day of stay-at-home-dadness (not, however, my first day of using-a-bunch-of-hyphens-all-in-a-row). Three and a half hours in, it's going well enough. Thanks mostly to Amanda's patience (and I guess a bit of mine) over the past ten days, we've managed to re-train the kid to take the bottle. For obvious reasons, he still prefers the real thing, but he is now eating at least a bit from the bottle and not freaking out.

It is of course, also the start of finals. My luck is twofold: first, this end-of-semester (told you about the hyphens, didn't I?) is much lighter than last; second, reinforcements are arriving tomorrow night to help with the Ivan-watching while Amanda works and I write a long, long book review.

The trees have burst into flower and leaf over the last week. It's a beautiful spring thus far.

I'd rather do pathetic phlebotomy than read aesthetic philosophy.


Blogger -A said...

Too bad Ivan didn't remember about bottle-eating all day long! Hopefully he'll figure out that bottles are bettr than fury pretty soon. Very hopefully. Josh is a good hero, but better if we can all just have a nice, peaceful time of it.

And I want to voice my agreement that the flowering trees are very, very pretty.

6:17 AM  

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