15 April 2007

Sunshine and Lollipops

Here I am, posting in a second consecutive weekend.

Our apartment is full of food. My folks and grandfather were here to see Ivan and stocked our larders to overflowing. It's entertaining, but I feel like I've done nothing but eat for the last three days.

Friday was an afternoon for odd encounters. I briefly met Herr Vogler, a friend of a friend, in the lobby of Ferguson Hall. I also ran into a gentleman whom I knew only through a UPA coaching clinic at a colloquium on music's role in Brazilian diasporic communities. Never mind that it was actually behaving like spring outside.

I don't have any grounds for an esoteric discursus today. Gotta save it for the paper I'm supposed to be writing at the moment. I'm just indulging in the devouring narcissism of internet culture and spewing words into the blogosphere because it's there. I wonder if there are pollution-induced blogozone holes developing at the poles of the blogosphere.

And if there are, what will they let in?

I'm hoping for civil discourse and good grammar. Or maple syrup. The expensive kind made from real tree-blood.


Blogger the warrior bard said...

My blog is certainly a pollutant. It needs a muffler, too.

Yeah, around the time I knew you were bound to run into Herr Vogler, I was hiding under my bed, expecting to hear the thunderclap of worlds colliding. It never came, so I figured you didn't spend too much time talking to him.

10:14 AM  

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